Fresh marketing tips never get old! Here are three ideas to keep in your pocket. They may help you along your path to success or boost your confidence when you're out there marketing.
1. Be a Backup for Other Agencies
While networking and meeting competitors, get curious. Ask them if they have cases they can’t staff. They may have specific territories or client types outside their scope that you could handle. For example, if they’ve had a busy week and signed up three 24-hour clients but can’t take on a fourth, you can be their solution.
Always offer: “If you get something you can’t handle, send it to me, and I’ll do the same.” Building these relationships creates mutual trust and the shared goal of serving your community.
Partnerships can even extend to sharing shifts—one agency covers days, the other handles nights. When you’ve built strong connections, you can confidently refer clients elsewhere when needed, knowing they’ll be in good hands. This collaborative approach ensures seniors are served and fosters goodwill among agencies.
2. Say YES to Everything
Do you handle Medicaid? VA contracts? COVID-19-positive clients? If the answer is no, that’s fine. Build a network of agencies and partners that can fill those gaps. When a case manager finally sends you a challenging case, you don’t have to say no. Instead, you can be a resource by referring them to someone who can help.
For example, if you’re not equipped to handle clients with behavioral challenges related to dementia, that’s okay. Say YES by having resources ready to refer families to someone who specializes in those cases. This approach not only helps families but also strengthens your reputation as a reliable and resourceful marketer.
3. Have Fun with Real and Fake Holidays
Thanksgiving and other major holidays are prime marketing opportunities, but don’t overlook quirky ones! National Hot Dog Day, Nacho Day, and Pi Day (March 14) can be great excuses to connect with your network. For instance, bring pies to your contacts on Pi Day or make a small gesture like delivering cookies during a fun holiday.
Don’t forget about Administrative Assistants’ Day. A thoughtful token like a handwritten note or a $5 gift card can brighten someone’s day and help you get past gatekeepers. Celebrating these offbeat holidays keeps you top-of-mind and adds a creative, personal touch to your marketing efforts.
These three strategies—building backup relationships, saying YES to opportunities, and celebrating quirky holidays—can make a big difference in your marketing efforts. Use them to build trust, stay relevant, and have fun while growing your business.
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